Fraser River, BC
Guiding you through the stunning Fraser River canyon is professional guide and owner of Sturgeon Slayers, Kevin Estrada. Prior to becoming one of the most respected sturgeon guides in British Columbia, Kevin graduated from Michigan State University and was drafted by the Carolina Hurricanes. After enjoying a strong professional hockey career, Kevin found himself back on his home waters, the mighty Fraser River. Since then, Kevin has dedicated his time to developing Sturgeon Slayers into one of BC’s premier sturgeon fishing operations. Being in the epicenter of the world’s greatest sturgeon fishing, Kevin and Sturgeon Slayers have reached international acclaim, being featured on networks such as National Geographic, BBC and Wild TV, Googan Squad and Barstool Outdoors, among many others.
When not guiding Kevin has been instrumental in working towards conservation efforts of BC’s white sturgeon. His contributions to the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society earned him the society’s 2015 Volunteer of the Year Award. Kevin and his partner Mariko Izumi live in the Fraser Valley with their daughter Yale and their son Tiger.